Monday, February 6

Chap Goh Mei

Hi hi! by Cammie Bob Bob at 10:23 PM
today is the last day of Chinese New Year 2012, which means it's chap goh mei. they said it is also known as Chinese valentine's day. well i don't know about this, but all i know is, it reminds me of forever alone. == alright. haha. em, the Chinese valentine's day is about the single girls can get a mandarin orange, write down the name and phone number, then throw it into the pond or somewhere. and then those single guys will get one mandarin orange from that pond or that somewhere and call up that "lucky" girl then meet up? HAHAHA well i don't know. i have never been to this kinda event or celebration. i spent my whole day chap goh mei at home with my family, and also my phone, my lappie and my money. but why money? i wonder why. hmmmm. hahaha. :P

anyway, i was quite enjoying myself during the CNY at home. eat sleep play, eat sleep play. that's it. hahaha live like a boss. got to get closer with friends who weren't that close before this. glad of that :)

here comes another valentine's day, 14th of February 2012. it is my another forever alone day. hm hell NO! it is official forever alone. hahaha. appreciate every single day somehow. :) peace :D

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