Last 30th Dec 10, i went for a countdown trip to Malacca with the Temerloh gang.. :) so well, the trip was fun.. miss it! :D by the way, the trip taught me lotsa stuffs.. one of them is "do not judge anyone by his/her appearance".. :) ya i really know it right now, really.. :O from the 3 days 2 nights vacation + countdown trip, i saw many things and i knew a lot too.. with that, i am thankful because i have you girls as my besties.. :D
the fireworks at Cowboy Town
the people

finally, we arrived!
the villa
our villa
in the room
i love them both! ♥
peily~ ♥
seriously, i love this! i captured this! huahaha ♥
from me, too :) ♥
3 stupids haha
she is sweet~ ♥
thankful, i always have you with me, on facebook! my iPhone ♥
the Banana Truck
in Safari
she is skinny and imma fatty!
i took this too! o.O funny~
3 of us :)
wanna go monkey island :D
does it look familiar?

yeah it is! year ago~ love! ♥
decoration in Cowboy Town
jingle bell rock jingle bell rock~
ah lee~ ♥
our legs~
naughty mann!
the hurt toe and long toe nails.. haha
durian cendol! slrrrrrp~ ♥
the asam laksa! nice but spicy :) ♥
my semester break is going to end very soon.. hmmmmphh~ i don't like it because i am going back to that dreadful place, again.. and stay there.. i don't like it, i love staying at Temerloh.. somehow, my foundation is going to end very soon! yay~! new semester will be semester 3, the last semester for foundation! huohoho~ yay yay yay! :)