hey ya~! yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tadaaaaaaaaah! :P guess what i am so crazy? i have 2 tadaaaaahs to be shared! yeah! firstly, Chinese New Year is around the corner!! yay yay yay! and i am seriously crazy for that!! yuhooo~ *i wonder what is so exciting?* haha

here i tilted my head to the webcam! haha
well seriously i don't know what is this but my mom bought it! :D
here comes my Cheongsam which i will wear on "Cho 1" :D
and, i have trimmed my hair last week! :D
and so, in chinese lunar, the 2010 tiger year is ending very soon.. :) and imma be 19! i would like to thank those who helped me, no matter they were BIG affairs or SMALL affairs since i was born till now.. haha! Thank you very much, deep from my heart core..! :D
i have known the screen capture from my phone! haha :P
the second stuff that makes me "tadaaaaaaaaaah" is that.. i am gonna share a real exciting stuff right here! we had an interesting biology laboratory session on Wednesday and i was so damn over the moon with it! lecturer said that we will be playing with microscopes throughout this semester!! yay!! :D that Wednesday, we played with the microscopes, each of us used one.. that means we did them all at our own! :) yet, our lecturer prepared the slides for us.. i wonder where did SEGi buy all these nicely prepared and done slides from? they are so cute cute CUTE! :D and i captured them by using my phone! :D
Columnar Epithelium
Ciliated Epithelium
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Human Squamous Epithelium
Zea Mays young root
Zea Mays old root
Helianthus primary root
Helianthus secondary root
hmmmmppphhhh BUT i am here, still at Kota Damansara, right here!! i am supposed to be at Temerloh right now since my housemates are all back to their hometowns but Beatrice and i are still here..! we have another two classes on Monday.. and i can only be back on Tuesday! :( many people are there now in their hometowns but we are still here! i wanna go home I WANNA GO HOME!! seriously.. *playing CNY songs* :*)